Wednesday, November 30, 2011

thanksgiving memories

    I had a very good Thanksgiving, with lots of food. I ate some turkey, cranberries, and some pumpkin pie!  My cousin and I got to play apples to apple the game! It was fun. We also made some neat crafts and swapped sillybands! I now have about thirty! I have lots of animals, food, and even some car/truck sillybands!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Candy Location

I'm hoping to get a new candy machine location. If I add this one, I'll have five candy machines! That means I'll have ten candy/toy machines in all! I will use the proceeds to buy more machines for my business.

 In other news, SCHOOL!
I went on a Earth Science trip Monday, I went to I'jams Nature Center. We went to a abandoned rock corey and I learned about marble. Pretty soon Thanksgiving is coming! So I am pretty excited about my mini Thanksgiving break! woo!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thanksgiving is coming up!

This thanksgiving I'm going to the beach! I'm very excited about this trip! I like the beach and the ocean. Although there are a lot of dangers in the ocean. One time when I was little, a shark tried to get me! I survived though. I was only two years old. It was a great white shark. I also know it is not very safe to go out in the dark. So I normally sleep at night. ha!

  PS. I like eating turkey.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This Halloween I worked in the haunted corn maze! It was pretty fun, although really cold. I liked to scare my friends in the maze. I was dressed up as "The Mask," it was fun dressing up as the mask. I scared a lot of people! Sometimes you have to be careful with who you are scaring because they get really scared.
