Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Its my Birthday!

Today is my 18th birthday! I am so excited to be an adult! I survived my teenage years!
 Today I get to work on the computer with Sara and then I'm going to work on my candy machines! I like being older, I think I am more wise now. haha! :)

          Reid Beeler

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gum Ball Machines!

I got a new gum machine about two weeks ago. The whole machine is fiberglass. This is probably my favorite machine so far. I'm going to bring it to it's new location today. It so big, I have to use the big white truck! We have to be very careful because it breaks easily but that's okay, duct tape does wonders


Wednesday, January 11, 2012


This week is all about cars. My car, Elizabeth, is getting new paint! I am also changing the wheels. The engine has already been taken out for a new one to replace it. I am very excited about the new changes. I am going this Friday to make the changes!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Vending Machines

This week I purchased four vending machines.They are all old machines, that I will be fixing up and repainting. Then I will be sending them off to new locations. I will be relocating one of my newer machines to a different business soon.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Cracker

       Starting this Thursday, I'm going to start practice for a play! The play is called the Christmas Cracker. I play John, I also help out behind the scenes. A lot of my friends are in it, so I am very excited about it. I have been practicing my lines and the scenes. This will be my fourth play I have been in, so I would say I'm pretty experienced.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Tree

This year we picked our Christmas tree from a different place than normal. I liked this place because everyone was very nice and friendly. Our Christmas tree colors are red and gold.  Another holiday thing I like is, SUBWAY! They are easy with all of the holiday travel.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

thanksgiving memories

    I had a very good Thanksgiving, with lots of food. I ate some turkey, cranberries, and some pumpkin pie!  My cousin and I got to play apples to apple the game! It was fun. We also made some neat crafts and swapped sillybands! I now have about thirty! I have lots of animals, food, and even some car/truck sillybands!
