Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Hello! Reid is back on the blogspot.
 I have been pretty busy the past few weeks, doing lots of school (like normal) but I was sick for a couple days so I wasn't able to work on the blog. I went on a field trip a few weeks ago. It was for earth science. We went to Bays Mountain Park.  I learned about how the air pressure can change things there. It was cool. I like to go on field trips because the knowledge is always very rewarding.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today I am going to research the history of aluminum wheels after I type out my report for Earth Science. The report is about cyclones and volcanoes Cyclones are like water tornadoes out on the ocean and volcanoes are created when magma comes up through the earth's crust.

In other news - the fall weather is coming! It was been raining a lot and it is kind of chilly outside. I really like the fall but normally I get allergies. I am kind of sad to see summer go.
