Monday, June 20, 2011


Today we are going to look up President Nixon and the panda bears China gave him.
I am searching a lot on the internet today. I am still getting ready for my trip to China, I am very excited.
Only 19 more days til I leave.  I will not be able to post on the blog for two weeks while I am gone but I will post pictures when I get back


Monday, June 13, 2011


Today I updated my blog. I haven't been able to update it in a while because I could not log on.
I put a new picture of a truck on the left side. I changed to background to look like paint cans.

I am getting ready to travel over seas soon. I am excited to go.
I like the summer, it is more fun than school.
I went to Gatlinburg Saturday night to watch the synchronized fireflies, they were very cool. I liked them a lot.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today for computer work I am going to research about the Kabota Tractors. We have a Kabota tractor and a bushhog on the farm. These tractors last a very long time and they are easy to use. There are tons of kabota tractors! Our is orange!

I am also going to research Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was the 32nd President of the United States (1933 through 1945) To find out when and where he was born.
