Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bad Weather and School is almost out!

It has been raining a lot. Rain keeps coming. Today there is supposed to be a really bad storm later. It has started raining yet, the sky is all grey and black. Early this week like Monday and Tuesday, it was really nice outside. 85 degrees with just a little bit of wind! I get out of school soon, sometime in May. I am excited for summer. I like the warm weather better than winter.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Charleston Trip!

My favorite thing in Charleston is the shops. I got three hats there! One of the hats is tan and striped(which I am wearing today), another is a ball cap from the Aquarium in Charleston, and the last one is blue it is also striped. I went to the Aquarium too, it was really fun. I got to play a robotic sub game. I liked the rain forest part of the aquarium but my favorite was the kid activities. After the aquarium I went to eat at Bubba Gump's seafood resarunt. It was very good!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

picture editing

I like to edit pictures. I have a year book class at my Co op. It is really fun. Every week we get to find a new picture, go on, then email it to the lydia to turn in. Sometimes I just like to edit pictures for fun.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

wicked weather!

This week in Tennessee, there was wicked weather. It almost felt like it was never going to stop and it felt like everyone was in a big water tornado! There was lightning too! This isn't the only time I have seen weather like this. It hit so hard, I didn't want to go outside. Two days later and the weather is clear and beautiful. With 60 degrees, small breeze, and lot of sun! I like the pretty weather better than the storm!
