Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Surprise Work Day

Today Sara (my friend who helps with my blog), came. Normally blog updating days are on Wednesday but today she got mixed up and came today. I don't mind though, because I like doing computer work. I also like checking up the lastest news that is happening in the world. Today I am going to finish my blog update, go to free rice to donate to over seas. The China trip countdown has started! There is only 104 days left to go!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fast Disaster

Japan has had some problems lately. There was a earthquake, a tsunami, and a nuclear plant disaster too! Right now they are searching for people that are alive, they are also searching for Americans too. I think if it happened in America then we would have transported everyone out in time. China system is good, but I don't think Japan's is that great.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

World History - Today

I have started looking up the animals from China's history. Which I will be heading over there in the summer. I will be first be flying into Bejing. That will be very exciting. We are going to hike up Moon Hill. The really cool place with the weridly shaped moutains. I look forward to meeting new people.

 Reid Beeler

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Research Scooter

I have been researching for a old scooter. I like scooters because they aren't very fast but they can still go on the road. Also because everyone has to wear a helmet. I am also looking for a cool sidecar so I can take my friends too. The reason why I want an old scooter, is because it's not mad anymore. I love old cars. I haven't heard much about Elizabeth, but I'm going to call the guy soon.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Monday afternoon it FLOODED! Nothing on the farm got damaged..it didn't flood any here because we are on high ground but on all of the lower roads it flooded bad. HERE is a news report of the flood. At my friend Sara's house, there was a lake of water. It was up to 4ft deep! Her neighbor's whole basement was severely damaged. Church's, houses, and business all were effected by the horrible flood! A couple houses even got moved off of their foundation It was very stormy day. There was even a tornado!
