Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today, Sara and I have been editing pictures, this is one of them.
I like photogaphy alot. I love to take of nature and people..and what ever else fits in the frame!
It is a very neat and good hobby. This is one of my favorite pictures, I like how colorful it is. (When normal planes are just gray and black) I hope you like this!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yesterday I fed the horses, cats, and dogs with my mom. It was very nice weather. 50 degrees outside! My dad and I built a chicken coop for the new chicken we are going to get. I like it. It was very heavy but we put wheels on it so it was not very hard to get into place. Later this week I'm going to built a fence and gate for the chicken so it will not escape! And lastly, I will put shavings in there so it will keep the chicken warm.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hats, Hats, Hats.

My favorite thing to collect is hats. All differents kinds. From all different places around the world. My favorite hat of all time is my russian ski fluffy hat. I have over 35 hats! Every morning when I wake up the first thing I do is, look outside! That way I can pick what hat I am going to wear. For exsample. If it is sunny and warm outside (like a summer morning), I pick a light hat with a sunvisor. If it is really snowy then I will wear my warm fuzzy ski hat. All my hats come in handy!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ground Hog Day

Today is groundhog day, and I am excited to say that, Mr. Groundhog did NOT see his shadow! I hope he is right about the early spring. I have been busy this week, with work work work! I was really busy with school work and my candy route. I have four machines at different locatoins. It keeps me very busy! I also started to bike alot more than I used too, I got my own bike. Last weekend I went to the the lake to ride up and down hills. It was not that hard. I had a fun time
