Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Cracker

       Starting this Thursday, I'm going to start practice for a play! The play is called the Christmas Cracker. I play John, I also help out behind the scenes. A lot of my friends are in it, so I am very excited about it. I have been practicing my lines and the scenes. This will be my fourth play I have been in, so I would say I'm pretty experienced.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Tree

This year we picked our Christmas tree from a different place than normal. I liked this place because everyone was very nice and friendly. Our Christmas tree colors are red and gold.  Another holiday thing I like is, SUBWAY! They are easy with all of the holiday travel.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

thanksgiving memories

    I had a very good Thanksgiving, with lots of food. I ate some turkey, cranberries, and some pumpkin pie!  My cousin and I got to play apples to apple the game! It was fun. We also made some neat crafts and swapped sillybands! I now have about thirty! I have lots of animals, food, and even some car/truck sillybands!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Candy Location

I'm hoping to get a new candy machine location. If I add this one, I'll have five candy machines! That means I'll have ten candy/toy machines in all! I will use the proceeds to buy more machines for my business.

 In other news, SCHOOL!
I went on a Earth Science trip Monday, I went to I'jams Nature Center. We went to a abandoned rock corey and I learned about marble. Pretty soon Thanksgiving is coming! So I am pretty excited about my mini Thanksgiving break! woo!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thanksgiving is coming up!

This thanksgiving I'm going to the beach! I'm very excited about this trip! I like the beach and the ocean. Although there are a lot of dangers in the ocean. One time when I was little, a shark tried to get me! I survived though. I was only two years old. It was a great white shark. I also know it is not very safe to go out in the dark. So I normally sleep at night. ha!

  PS. I like eating turkey.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This Halloween I worked in the haunted corn maze! It was pretty fun, although really cold. I liked to scare my friends in the maze. I was dressed up as "The Mask," it was fun dressing up as the mask. I scared a lot of people! Sometimes you have to be careful with who you are scaring because they get really scared.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Kitty

Yesterday during school, I greeted a new surprise friend. A new brown tabby cat! His name is Cool Ham Luke, I picked this name out for him. The reason I call him Cool Ham Luke is because he sits back and smiles. I think that means he is a happy cat. Right now I have to play with him a lot because he is bored up at the barn. I even stayed at the barn all last night to make sure he was okay and settled. Maybe I'll post a picture soon.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Candy Drama

Today, I'm checking out the new candy machine location. I would like see if it would be better to have a candy machine or just a gum machine there. At the moment, I have nine machines out now in the surrounding counties. I have two more machines I am trying to get ready to go out, then I will have eleven machines! I hope my candy machines business can expand more!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It's the fifth of October and guess what is coming soon!     
       H a l l o w e e n !
This year, I am going to work in a haunted corn maze. I'm get to wear a scary mask that I made especially for this years corn maze. Who knows what I might be next year, maybe something even scarier. I miss trick or treating because of all the good candy. I like candy. I haven't been trickier treating since I was younger, but I have been tricking! ha ha


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Hello! Reid is back on the blogspot.
 I have been pretty busy the past few weeks, doing lots of school (like normal) but I was sick for a couple days so I wasn't able to work on the blog. I went on a field trip a few weeks ago. It was for earth science. We went to Bays Mountain Park.  I learned about how the air pressure can change things there. It was cool. I like to go on field trips because the knowledge is always very rewarding.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today I am going to research the history of aluminum wheels after I type out my report for Earth Science. The report is about cyclones and volcanoes Cyclones are like water tornadoes out on the ocean and volcanoes are created when magma comes up through the earth's crust.

In other news - the fall weather is coming! It was been raining a lot and it is kind of chilly outside. I really like the fall but normally I get allergies. I am kind of sad to see summer go.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

getting ready to go to school!

I am excited to go this week because I am hoping to take a friend home back from school. I have a lot of homework I need to finish before Thursday. I am also taking a driver's education class this semester. I am studying to get my permit this year. I hope to be practicing driving this year!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It is that time of year again!

I started school on the 22nd of August. I am excited for the school year because I get to spend time with my friends at co op. I have made a lot of new friends that started coming to the co op this year. I am taking a bunch of fun classes like world history, drama, finance, and year book.

Also, I wanted to say happy birthday to my friend Sara. : )
I really enjoyed her birthday party. It was a surprise party! The cupcakes were very good.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Earth Science

This week I started Earth Science with school. It was really educational and fun. We are learning how the earth is made and even how the moon is made too. In earth science we learned about new land formations. This week I got to do a bunch of fun stuff also, like look for fossils in the woods and I got to mow the yard!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I just got back from China about two weeks ago. China was my favorite international trip I have ever been on. My favorite city Shaghai. Shaghai kind of looked like New York city in America. It had really tall buildings and a lot of business. I didn't see very many houses when I was in Shanghai. When I was in Yangshuo, I got to bike all around the city and country side. It was really fun but kind of hard too. The trafic was really crowed and crazy. If I was ever to go back to China again, I would buy farm land and buy a building in the city so all my friends could go there too. Although its a REALLY long plane ride over!


Monday, June 20, 2011


Today we are going to look up President Nixon and the panda bears China gave him.
I am searching a lot on the internet today. I am still getting ready for my trip to China, I am very excited.
Only 19 more days til I leave.  I will not be able to post on the blog for two weeks while I am gone but I will post pictures when I get back


Monday, June 13, 2011


Today I updated my blog. I haven't been able to update it in a while because I could not log on.
I put a new picture of a truck on the left side. I changed to background to look like paint cans.

I am getting ready to travel over seas soon. I am excited to go.
I like the summer, it is more fun than school.
I went to Gatlinburg Saturday night to watch the synchronized fireflies, they were very cool. I liked them a lot.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today for computer work I am going to research about the Kabota Tractors. We have a Kabota tractor and a bushhog on the farm. These tractors last a very long time and they are easy to use. There are tons of kabota tractors! Our is orange!

I am also going to research Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was the 32nd President of the United States (1933 through 1945) To find out when and where he was born.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today I am going to a china meeting. This summer I am going to china, last year I went to the UK, and the year before that was greece. I like to travel a lot. My mom goes with me on the trips. I like seeing the differences between over seas and here in america. I also lke trying different foods!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


My ag science class is coming to the farm tomorrow. I am happy that they are coming. They are going to ride and learn more about horses, like grooming.
I will be getting out of school next Wednesday. Then it will be summer!
I will be still working on my blog though


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today I am working on world history homework. Nicholas Copernicus, he did cool things in history.
Also I want to talk about the royal wedding! It was at Westminster Abby in the UK. Kate's dress was a pretty wedding dress. I actually liked it. Pippa was really pretty too. I liked the wedding.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bad Weather and School is almost out!

It has been raining a lot. Rain keeps coming. Today there is supposed to be a really bad storm later. It has started raining yet, the sky is all grey and black. Early this week like Monday and Tuesday, it was really nice outside. 85 degrees with just a little bit of wind! I get out of school soon, sometime in May. I am excited for summer. I like the warm weather better than winter.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Charleston Trip!

My favorite thing in Charleston is the shops. I got three hats there! One of the hats is tan and striped(which I am wearing today), another is a ball cap from the Aquarium in Charleston, and the last one is blue it is also striped. I went to the Aquarium too, it was really fun. I got to play a robotic sub game. I liked the rain forest part of the aquarium but my favorite was the kid activities. After the aquarium I went to eat at Bubba Gump's seafood resarunt. It was very good!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

picture editing

I like to edit pictures. I have a year book class at my Co op. It is really fun. Every week we get to find a new picture, go on, then email it to the lydia to turn in. Sometimes I just like to edit pictures for fun.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

wicked weather!

This week in Tennessee, there was wicked weather. It almost felt like it was never going to stop and it felt like everyone was in a big water tornado! There was lightning too! This isn't the only time I have seen weather like this. It hit so hard, I didn't want to go outside. Two days later and the weather is clear and beautiful. With 60 degrees, small breeze, and lot of sun! I like the pretty weather better than the storm!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Surprise Work Day

Today Sara (my friend who helps with my blog), came. Normally blog updating days are on Wednesday but today she got mixed up and came today. I don't mind though, because I like doing computer work. I also like checking up the lastest news that is happening in the world. Today I am going to finish my blog update, go to free rice to donate to over seas. The China trip countdown has started! There is only 104 days left to go!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fast Disaster

Japan has had some problems lately. There was a earthquake, a tsunami, and a nuclear plant disaster too! Right now they are searching for people that are alive, they are also searching for Americans too. I think if it happened in America then we would have transported everyone out in time. China system is good, but I don't think Japan's is that great.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

World History - Today

I have started looking up the animals from China's history. Which I will be heading over there in the summer. I will be first be flying into Bejing. That will be very exciting. We are going to hike up Moon Hill. The really cool place with the weridly shaped moutains. I look forward to meeting new people.

 Reid Beeler

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Research Scooter

I have been researching for a old scooter. I like scooters because they aren't very fast but they can still go on the road. Also because everyone has to wear a helmet. I am also looking for a cool sidecar so I can take my friends too. The reason why I want an old scooter, is because it's not mad anymore. I love old cars. I haven't heard much about Elizabeth, but I'm going to call the guy soon.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Monday afternoon it FLOODED! Nothing on the farm got didn't flood any here because we are on high ground but on all of the lower roads it flooded bad. HERE is a news report of the flood. At my friend Sara's house, there was a lake of water. It was up to 4ft deep! Her neighbor's whole basement was severely damaged. Church's, houses, and business all were effected by the horrible flood! A couple houses even got moved off of their foundation It was very stormy day. There was even a tornado!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today, Sara and I have been editing pictures, this is one of them.
I like photogaphy alot. I love to take of nature and people..and what ever else fits in the frame!
It is a very neat and good hobby. This is one of my favorite pictures, I like how colorful it is. (When normal planes are just gray and black) I hope you like this!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yesterday I fed the horses, cats, and dogs with my mom. It was very nice weather. 50 degrees outside! My dad and I built a chicken coop for the new chicken we are going to get. I like it. It was very heavy but we put wheels on it so it was not very hard to get into place. Later this week I'm going to built a fence and gate for the chicken so it will not escape! And lastly, I will put shavings in there so it will keep the chicken warm.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hats, Hats, Hats.

My favorite thing to collect is hats. All differents kinds. From all different places around the world. My favorite hat of all time is my russian ski fluffy hat. I have over 35 hats! Every morning when I wake up the first thing I do is, look outside! That way I can pick what hat I am going to wear. For exsample. If it is sunny and warm outside (like a summer morning), I pick a light hat with a sunvisor. If it is really snowy then I will wear my warm fuzzy ski hat. All my hats come in handy!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ground Hog Day

Today is groundhog day, and I am excited to say that, Mr. Groundhog did NOT see his shadow! I hope he is right about the early spring. I have been busy this week, with work work work! I was really busy with school work and my candy route. I have four machines at different locatoins. It keeps me very busy! I also started to bike alot more than I used too, I got my own bike. Last weekend I went to the the lake to ride up and down hills. It was not that hard. I had a fun time


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

researching on internet

Today I am going to be writing a post about researching on the Internet. My mom found a really fun website, it is about factories and warehouses! A lot of things are made in the united states, and I would like to see wear everything is made.

Yesterday was my 17th birthday. I some cars from the movie "cars'. I also went to game stop and got a army game. It was very fun!


Thursday, January 20, 2011


 The reason why I named this post "Surprise" is because noramally I only post once a week, but today is the second time I have posted this week! I am starting to get ready for my overseas trip. I get to stay in China for 12 days. I am really excited. I will take a lot of picture so I can put them on this blog.
Today, I am also going to go swimming again today with my school, because I have finished all my homework for today. I really like to swim.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Field Trip

I went on a field trip yesterday. It was really fun.
I went swimming and helped everyone in the pool. I got to stay for a couple hours.
I also toured the local electric company. They gave me a batterie-less flash light/night light. I can plug it up to the wall too, so when the power goes out the night light will still work. That was my favorite part. It was very good field trip and I learned a lot. I still had a lot of school work do when I got back though.

 That I need to finish!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Farm Work in the Winter

January 2011
     I worked on the farm today in the snow. It was still raining so it was very cold. I had to where my russian hat and snow boots. I really like my new boots, they are for hiking and farm work. I also fed horses with my mom and put they hay out for the horses. Then I went inside to do some schoolwork. It has snowed alot this year, almost never ending! I forgot to build a snowman though, so maybe tomorrow.
