Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I went to see Secretariat!

 Secretariat is a real life racehorse that they made a movie about, just like sea biscuit (who is another racehorse they made a movie about). He was raised on a farm in Caroline County,Virgina. He was a bright chestnut and his nickname was Big Red! He was a really fast horse and he beat alot of other horses in races. He had a really big stride. It was a very good movie, with a very good story.
    Thats all for now.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I like working on computers, though I had some troubles with a CD with week. My favorite thing to do on computers is to write on word and playing games like battle of Brittan. It is an airplane game. I mowed my friends farm last Saturday, the grass was really thick so it was very hard work. I had a lot of school work today, it was mostly math and language. This weekend I am working at a haunted corn maze! It is a funraiser for my trip to China this summer. Thats all I have today.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Work. 10/5/10

Last week I was at the beach with the boat. We did not use the boat at all because it was very stormy but we got to catch some crab. We also caught some fish off of the beach. I brought back some earring for my mom. When I got back I had to catch up a lot on school work. I like world history, it is a very interesting class. I have my homeschool co op Thursday. My candy route is Wednesday.
Last Saturday was old time Saturday in my town. I saw some of my friends there. I had a yard sale there too. That took all day.
