Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Snowed In

This morning was the first good snow of the year. We are not actually "snowed in" but it is very icy on the road. I still had school work unfortunately, all of the county schools got to have a free day. I am happy they did not have to go to school today, I went there before I was homeschooled and I did not like it. I had a lot of school work today, but I got a couple of breaks. I like to cut and paste pictures of cars during breaks and lunch time.

                  Reid Beeler

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Work on Computers

I use computer alot now that I am homeschooled. I use it for searching websites, typing practice, and sometimes computer games. I like the internet, if there was not any internet then I could not write on this website.
 I had a good thanksgiving, we went hiking on the mountain. I found some really old car parts, that cool interesting.

                   I think these posts are getting shorter every week!
                 Reid Beeler

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Prepairing Thanksgiving

I am very excited for Thanksgiving, it is one of my favorite holidays. My favorite part is eating the turkey!
Usually for thanksgiving I go on a trip with relatives. That is very fun
After Thanksgiving, Christmas is coming right around the corner. Christmas is my favorite holiday.

        Very busy this week,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

World History

My favorite thing about work history is Germanic tribes because I like Germany. I love to visit website about Germany and I would even like to go to Germany one day. I like overseas, I have been out out of the country twice with my school. It was really fun. I made a lot of friends. I also like all the different cultures, such as India.  I also like watching IRT dangerous roads, it is about truckers that go to alaska.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

World History

I just got done with my world history, I learn about the Germanic tribes like the vandals. A lot of countries fell apart during the wars like the hundred year war.
I also saw a movie called Here After, it is about when people die. Some people say that it was a tear jerkier but i did was not very sad. It is defiantly one of my favorite movies but cause it has a big natural disaster.

Thats all,
             Reid Beeler

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I went to see Secretariat!

 Secretariat is a real life racehorse that they made a movie about, just like sea biscuit (who is another racehorse they made a movie about). He was raised on a farm in Caroline County,Virgina. He was a bright chestnut and his nickname was Big Red! He was a really fast horse and he beat alot of other horses in races. He had a really big stride. It was a very good movie, with a very good story.
    Thats all for now.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I like working on computers, though I had some troubles with a CD with week. My favorite thing to do on computers is to write on word and playing games like battle of Brittan. It is an airplane game. I mowed my friends farm last Saturday, the grass was really thick so it was very hard work. I had a lot of school work today, it was mostly math and language. This weekend I am working at a haunted corn maze! It is a funraiser for my trip to China this summer. Thats all I have today.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Work. 10/5/10

Last week I was at the beach with the boat. We did not use the boat at all because it was very stormy but we got to catch some crab. We also caught some fish off of the beach. I brought back some earring for my mom. When I got back I had to catch up a lot on school work. I like world history, it is a very interesting class. I have my homeschool co op Thursday. My candy route is Wednesday.
Last Saturday was old time Saturday in my town. I saw some of my friends there. I had a yard sale there too. That took all day.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


This week I got the white truck from the car shop. It had some problems that had to be fixed.
Tonight I am going to watch The Coloney, it is a reality series about people who got dropped off on a island. It is on the discovery channel tonight 10pm! This week I worked at a house painting, cleaning, and I put new plugs in. It was really nice when we left. I have also helped my dad mow the yard this week and went to a ladies lunch in with my mom. Thats it.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reid's busy week

So far, this week has been busy but it is going smooth.
It is the school year so I have a lot of work to do. I am also busy with the candy route.
I am getting ready to go to the beach soon for a small vacation. I am excited about that, I have already pre-paired. Elizabeth is still gone, they are saying it could be a year before it is back. I am sad about the car being gone and I am not very happy about it being gone for a year. If it was here I could work on it and take it to parades. I have to use the truck for the parade instead. I enjoying doing schoolwork with my friend Sara. Schoolwork is my favorite thing, and I try to liston to my mom.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I went to shelbeyville last weekend. I seen the Tennessee Walking Horses at the celebration!
My favorite part about the show was judging the horses and looking at the vender's. It was a good trip.
This week I mostly worked on home school, I studied about Abondance Cattle in my agriculture class. They are originally from France. I also took a field trip with my co op to a dairy farm close to where I live. I got to touch and lead a cow around the farm. I had a good time at drama class and yearbook.
Thats all I have to say this week.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This is a good week to working on cars. This week has been cool and dry so it is easier to work.
Elizabeth is in the shop right now being worked on. The fenders are going on and they are putting new electrons in so it will work better. It has been a week since it has been gone. School has been good, I started it this week. My favorite subject is drama. Over all this week has been a good week and thats all I have on my mind right now


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


My name is Reid.
My favorite color is dark green, I am home schooled and I like it the best.
I like being around other people.
I have a antique car, called Elizabeth. It is a 1938 four door trunkback dodge sedan, that my dad and I are re-building. I have a candy business. I like to travel a lot, I have been to Greece, Scotland, Ireland and London. I am planing to go to China this summer.